Mistake Number 4

This Guy
1 min readJan 14, 2021

Lack of structure or routine allows shit loads of randomness in my life right now and I don’t like it at all.

At the same time, I hate fixed schedules. I hate them with all my heart. This leaves me at a standstill, between wanting to get shit done but not being able to.

My mistake was not really understanding this about myself and trying to write down To Do lists. Then as my day went on, I didn’t look at it once. That’s why I’m allover the place. Now, I think I’ve found a better way of doing things…


I’ve started viewing my life a little bit like a videogame where I have Missions and sidemissions. For example, my main mission right now is to get a job and one of my side missions is to get my little sister a gift.

Using that method, I only focus on one thing at the time, which is getting the mission or side mission done. Nothing else matters.

You see, I used to get hung up on long term goals a lot. Everything I did got me wondering whether it would be beneficial in the long term. I spent entire days paralysed thinking any move I did could affect my long term success, not realising my inaction had an even worse effect. It’s better to do the wrong thing than to do nothing at all.

